25 September 2024 –

On July 24, 2024, NorthRiver Midstream filed a Notice of Motion and Constitutional Question with the Canada Energy Regulator (CER). In doing so, NorthRiver is requesting that the CER apply its authority under the Canada Energy Regulator Act and authorize NorthRiver to enter onto and use Crown lands in British Columbia to allow construction of its NEBC Connector Project (Project) to proceed.

On December 28, 2023, following a three-year review and assessment process, the CER issued a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity providing the necessary federal government approval for the Project. NorthRiver has engaged extensively with officials from British Columbia to obtain required Provincial approvals without success. Due to significant uncertainty with the current British Columbia regulatory regime, NorthRiver has filed its Notice of Motion and Constitutional Question based on its belief that there is no foreseeable way the Provincial approvals can be acquired within a time frame that is required for the Project to proceed.

The Project is comprised of two parallel, small-diameter pipelines, approximately 215 kilometres in length that will transport natural gas liquids and condensate from northeastern British Columbia to northwestern Alberta. The Project will substantially enhance market access for natural gas liquids from British Columbia’s Montney play, and result in considerable economic opportunity for local and Indigenous communities in British Columbia and Alberta. The current regulatory uncertainty has resulted in considerable delay to the Project.

NorthRiver values its relationships with Indigenous communities and remains willing and motivated to continue collaboration with all stakeholders to determine a satisfactory solution that would allow construction of the NEBC Connector to proceed.

For further information, contact:

Tamara Trull
Senior Vice President, Corporate Services & Chief Legal Officer

David Markham
Manager, Indigenous and Community Relations