NEBC Connector

NEBC Connector Project

NorthRiver Midstream Inc. is proposing to construct and operate the NEBC Connector to connect British Columbia’s Montney Resource to downstream markets.

The NEBC Connector consists of two parallel small diameter pipelines (between 8”-12”) and approximately 213 km in length. Of the approximately 213 km, 190 km will be in British Columbia and the remaining 23 km will be in Alberta.

It is anticipated that the pipelines will transport condensate (C5+) and natural gas liquids (NGL) (C3+) from NorthRiver Midstream Inc.’s Highway Liquids Hub, northwest of Wonowon, B.C., to the Gordondale area of Alberta.


Bag Service 6180, Mile 53 Alaska Highway
Fort St. John, B.C., V1J 4H7

  • Project Type: Pipeline
  • Products Shipped: Condensate (C5+) and Natural Gas Liquids (C3+)
  • Status: Proposed
  • Length: Approximately 213 km
  • Pipe Size: Small diameter pipe ranging from 8″-12″

Project information

Project Timeline

NorthRiver Midstream began early Indigenous, landowner and stakeholder engagement in Q2 2020. Subject to a final investment decision to proceed with the Project, construction will be complete and the project placed into service in Q2 of 2027.

Q2 2020
Begin early Indigenous and stakeholder (including landowner) engagement
Q3 2020
Commence survey, environmental field studies and community-led traditional land resource use assessments
Q2 2021
Filed Project Notification with the Canada Energy Regulator
Q3 2021
Complete environmental field studies, including archaeology assessments
Q4 2021
File Project Application with the Canada Energy Regulator
Q4 2023
Canada Energy Regulator issued a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity, providing final federal approval
Q1 2025
BC approval was received on January 17, 2025. AB approval was received on February 3, 2025.
Current Status
NorthRiver is continuing to work in partnership with customers, partners, regulatory authorities and Indigenous groups to continue to progress this important project towards a positive final investment decision


Project route

NorthRiver Midstream strives to engage early and often in an open manner with Indigenous communities, landowners and other interested stakeholders.

Should you have any questions or concerns about the project, please contact or 587-747-6500.

For more information, visit the Canada Energy Regulator project page.

Detailed Route Process

As NorthRiver has obtained a Certificate and Order from the CER for the NEBC Connector Project, it must now submit and obtain approval of its Plan, Profile, and Book of Reference (PPBoR) from the CER.  As such, NorthRiver must serve a notice on all owners of lands proposed to be acquired, leased, taken or used, insofar as they can be determined. NorthRiver must also publish a notice in a local newspaper or publication.

Plan and Profile: This document is a drawing of the pipeline as seen from above (the aerial view) and from the side (profile view). It shows the exact proposed location of the pipeline across the parcels of land along its entire route.

Book of Reference: This document identifies the lands and the names of the owners and occupants of the lands in question. It shows the dimensions (length, width, and total area) of the right-of-way required for the pipeline.

Public Notice: The notice will include details about the proposed route, such as maps, property sketches, and detailed measurements of the right-of-way.